Since January 2016 the publicly listed injection moulding machinery producer Yizumi (Foshan City, Guandong / PR China; has appointed Hans Wobbe as head of its Strategy division. Wobbe emphasised that he serves in an advisory capacity and is not an employee of Yizumi. He remains an independent advisor within his own consultancy. He also continues to support technology transfer at the Institute of Plastics Processing at the RWTH University Aachen / Germany.
Yizumi purports to be China’s second largest injection moulding machinery maker, with sales of about 200 Mio EUR in the section of injection moulding machines. The company considers itself the country’s leading producer of die casting and rubber injection moulding machinery. Wobbe will help Yizumi formulate marketing and product strategies to achieve the company’s goal of internationalizing itself. He will lead the development of innovative products and processes, upgrade product quality, and establish technical centers in China and Germany.